Black garlic, the latest gastro trend

This is how this ingredient was born and is now a feature on the menus of the most avant-garde restaurants. Not surprisingly, due to its delicate and characteristic flavour. It reminds some people of liquorice and others of candied blackberry, it gives a sweet intensity to all dishes.

Healthy product

In addition to being a gourmet ingredient for top chefs, black garlic has optimal health qualities: it regulates blood pressure, helps lower bad cholesterol, is diuretic, is an antioxidant, regulates blood sugar and strengthens bones. But we have already told you about this in a previous post.
In short, it is fashionable to eat healthily. With this superfood we can do it in the best way.
If you want to try this healthy and fashionable product, visit our black garlic shop and get your hands on this gastronomic jewel. What are you waiting for to buy black garlic?

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Black garlic can contribute to a healthy lifestyle and add a unique touch to any dish. Great chefs use it in some of their best

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