Today we bring you a great recipe for breakfast, starter, snack or dinner. We are going to make a black garlic pâté and you will see how simple and quick it is to make. With a unique taste, this pate surprises everyone who tries it.
We get down to work with the preparations.
Necessary ingredients
- 250 grams of chicken livers.
- 1 onion.
- 50 grams of butter.
- 50ml cognac (4 tablespoons).
- 4 or 5 cloves of Bonrostro black garlic.
- Olive oil.
- Salt.
As you can see, the ingredients are very everyday and easily available. Once we have them, we proceed to the preparation.
Elaboration: On the cooker
- The first thing we are going to do is to take a frying pan and heat a little oil over a low heat.
- Chop the onion and add it to the frying pan together with the butter and fry it over a low heat.
- Now chop the livers and add them to the frying pan. Turn up the heat and fry until the livers are browned.
- Add the brandy (4 tablespoons) and boil until the alcohol evaporates.
- Once these steps have been carried out, put everything in the blender jug.
- Add a little salt and the Bonrostro black garlic cloves.
- Blend everything very well and check the salt content until it is to your liking.
- Then, take the mixture obtained and put it in a container and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
And the end! Now we have our pate ready to serve as we wish. It can be served with toast as a spread, eaten with small pieces of bread or, if we are more experienced in the kitchen, we can use it as an ingredient to make a more advanced dish. The important thing is that the pate obtained has a unique taste, thanks to the black garlic.
If you still don’t know black garlic or you are interested in trying it, enter our shop and ask for the format you like the most. Take advantage of the free shipping we have on many of our products.